From a deep dive into secure boot / chain of trust to how to choose the right vulnerability monitoring tool for your device, Timesys engineering experts have written blogs across dozens of embedded software development and security topics.

Read up on the latest embedded topics with these free ebooks written by Timesys CTO Akshay Bhat. Explore best practices for effective security maintenance of embedded systems with Vulnerability Management for Embedded Systems Using Open Source; or learn how to develop a forward-looking strategy to keep an IoT device secure throughout its lifecycle with Cybersecurity Primer for IoT/Embedded Devices.

Product Info
Looking for information about any of our solutions? Here you can find datasheets, solution notes, and more.

Embedded Software Training
Timesys offers several embedded software training options including Jump Start, a customized 2-day course with hands-on exercises based on your application requirements. Popular topics include embedded Linux, Yocto Project development, and cybersecurity.

Our popular webinar series covers everything from designing OTA updates for secure embedded Linux systems to evolving security standards to establishing secure boot and chain of trust on i.MX processors. You can watch past webinars on-demand, and register for upcoming webinars on hot topics in embedded development and cybersecurity.

Whether you’re looking for a quick “how-to” video on embedded Linux development, or you want to see Timesys-built embedded Linux demos running on popular development boards, or you’d like to watch Timesys technology solutions in action, you can find it here.

LinuxLink Radio is a podcast geared toward embedded Linux developers. Episodes feature guest interviews, commentary on common issues, featured LinuxLink projects, embedded Linux news and questions from our listeners.
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