Concerned about securing and protecting your key algorithms, customer data, and other intellectual property (IP)?
How do you monitor exposure to cybersecurity risks in the open-source Linux OS on JetPack and other NVIDIA devices?
Looking for kernel and security engineers to help customize or update Jetson meta-tegra based Yocto BSPs?
Timesys is here to help.
As an NVIDIA partner, Timesys brings 20+ years of embedded Linux and security expertise to help you build secure products quickly and keep them secure cost effectively.
Timesys Security Solutions capture the best practices for designing and maintaining security in systems using NVIDIA Jetson platforms and embedded Linux. With Timesys, continuous security is baked into every stage of your development cycle, from our Secure by Design and product hardening guidance to continuous automated vulnerability monitoring of your Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) by our Vigiles Security Vulnerability Management software.

Secure By Design solution that enhances your meta-tegra Yocto build with a variety of security features optimized for Jetson

Boosts security standard compliance: PCI-DSS, HIPAA, IEC 62443, NIST 8359

Unique Software Composition Analysis (SCA) features optimized for Embedded Systems, for more accurate and streamlined CVE vulnerability management
Secure By Design
Stay Secure
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